Spanish School & Hostels
🌐Description organization
This organization offers a wide range of different products and services in the field of education and tourism. It offers Spanish courses at four different locations, housing options in their hostels, with host families and other options. Furthermore, it organizes adventure activities like river rafting, camping, diving, surfing, sailing and workshops for local cooking and Latin dancing. Also volunteer work in different local organizations as well as internships can be booked throught this organization. It has a strong base with over 25 years of existence and the owners working side by side with their staff.
The organization wants to provide inspiring cultural learning experiences at locations which stand out for having a relaxed atmosphere and their natural and cultural beauty. They want to contribute to more meaningful existence by investing in projects that their community (students, workers, friends, and fans) consider important for the future of our planet.
Turrialba, Puerto Viejo (Costa Rica)
Bocas del Toro, Boquete (Panama)
📚Fields of study
- Marketing & Communication
- Finance & Accounting
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Business Administration
Ingrid Lommers, the Dutch owner and founder, with a master in Economics and Teaching Spanish as a foreign language, will be your internship supervisor.
- English & Spanish A2 level
- affinity with tourism
- service oriented
- flexible approach