This Children’s Shelter in Turrialba was founded in 1992. Children from 0 to 13 years of age find a place to stay while solutions for their family problems are being sought after. Parents might have financial-, drugs-, alcohol- or other problems that need to be solved before they can return home. The kids join regular school for a part of the day. Some children need special help, others don’t. This place is run by 9 persons in total among which one psychologist, one administrator, one cook, a driver and ladies that directly take care of the kids.
Interns can help out in regular daily practical activities as well as investigate and work out recommendations in various fields. Social Workers can help make a plan for reintegration of the children in their families and students specializing in health issues can investigate, improve and teach about personal higiene as well as improve the daily menú and give talks about healthy food and habits.
You need to be able to speak Spanish at basic level. Talking about daily activities and situations is enough to start out. You will be learning while working here. You also need to bring a police record from your home country to prove your good conduct.
Mr. Christopher Solano is the practising psychologist at this center and he will be informing you about the process the children are going through and answer your questions. Christopher speaks English. Mrs. Annette Brenez is the administrator and she will be your contact with respect to work hours, tasks and other practical issues.
On your workdays you will receive one (simple) meal with drink to share with your fellow workers. You have to be aware of the fact that the children that stay at this home have delicate home situations and protected by the PANI (Costarrican Child Protection) and for example you cannot publish pictures of them. You also have to be aware of dressing properly.
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