VACANT:235 - Physical Therapy/ Social Work
Organisatie: Daycare for disabled people Regio: Turrialba, Costa Rica

The organiszation

This daycare activity attention center for adult people with disabilities is attending 66 persons. They have a big variaty of disabilties among which:

- mental retards

- mental paralysis

- down syndrom

- degenerative diseases

- deafness

- muteness

The NGO employs 7 professional staffmembers amongs which staff with titles as: physical therapist, occupational therapist, teacher in special education, teacher in physical education. The building is well kept and there is a friendly ambiance among the users and the professionals.
Groups of users are being formed by the behaviour. Each group has a weekly schedule and they are combined with schedules based on inidvidual needs. Activities offered to the users are:
* physical therapy
* occupational therapy: users make things as decorations for birthday parties, postcards, bijouterie (products made are sold and the revenue helps to maintain the daycare center)
* education to learn to help in the household
* special academical education
* industrial art: users produce things like placemats and showermats (products made are sold and the revenue helps to maintain the daycare center)

This NGO wants to offer quality attention to adult persons with a disability by offering a fully equipped attention center with special education and other programs focussed on the specific needs of each participant in order to improve their quelity of life.


This NGO wants to be an organisations that offers various therapies of good quality that favor adult persons with a disability by offering special education, and education in specific workfileds in order to create better opportunitoes in their lives, with a focus on the rights of these persons the NGO coordinates with govermental and non-govermental organisations.

Internship possibilities

As an intern you can participate and make improvements in your professional area you are also allowed to set up new programs for individuals or groups of users. Of course all plans should first be approved by your local supervisor.


Depending on your carreer the licensed staffmember of relevance will guide you. The language on the workfloor is Spanish, no staffmembers speak English some of the users do speak English.

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