In Costa Rica, people usually try to take care of the elderly that can no longer live by themselves, among close family members. Only when it is not possible due to illnesses, a very high level of care that is required or when people simply don't want because of negative feelings they have towards the older people, they turn to an elderly home for care. Fortunately places like "San BuenAventura" do exist. It is spacious, clean, well organized and equipped although it is highly dependent on government's support and individuals donations to keep it functioning well.
This Institution on average has 72 persons living here full time from which 50 are men and 22 women. Also of these 72 persons, appr. 35 are mobile only with their wheelchair. There is one physical therapist that is responsible for half-yearly evaluations of all members and elaborating a yearly individual workplan. Objectives are established and monitored on the physical and cognitive level. For each inhabitant a file is available and althought most information is officially totally confidential, medical information can be shared and if necessary exceptions can also be made.
Physical Therapy internship:
During your internship you will help out the physical therapist with her daily work. You can help her evaluate patients and give treatments. Also you can work on your own project such as for example work on a fall-prevention plan or implement new activities/ plans to maintain and/or improve the mobility of the inhabitants.
As an intern here, you can help as many days a week as you wish, as an assistant of the lady that is both the physical- and the occupational therapist. Their aim is to let elderly people be as independent as possible as long as possible. The "patients" suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and different forms of dementia.
You can help with doing stretching & building-strength excercises, improvement of postures, guided walking, use of biking machines, give special therapy with people that need it and also do boardgames, arts and music with people that like and need it. There is much to investigate in this institution; mostly related to what therapies could be helpful and how to deal with certain illnesses and situations.
Supervision:The local physical therapist works on a fultime basis and is also responsable for the occupational therapy in the home. She will be your supervisor and she is ver experienced in working with national and foreign interns and volunteers.
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On-Stage Latin America provides many internships for all kinds of study programs. Besides the available vacancies on the website, we also offer a wide range of other internships. If you have a specific request, send us an e-mail and we will do our best to help you,
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